China Locks Down Millions of People Again

Authorities in China’s Xi’an have put the city on lockdown, closing all non-essential shops and barring all restaurants from opening, after reporting some 140 domestically transmitted Covid cases in the last 10 days. In a press conference on Wednesday, officials in Xi’an announced the implementation of new measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. All…

Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea

Protesters gathered in Busan on Sunday after a similar rally was held in Seoul on Christmas Day. Aggrieved demonstrators held up large portraits of deceased family members – like those typically displayed at funerals in South Korea – and testified as to how their loved ones died soon after being vaccinated against Covid-19. Dozens of…

Bombshell: New Zealand Pays $1000 to Doctors For Euthanizing COVID-19 Patients

New Zealand’s Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed that COVID-19 patients may be eligible for assisted suicide. Additionally, the government will pay about $1087 to doctors for each patient they euthanize, according to Stuff, the island nation’s most popular newspaper. An anti-euthanasia group called DefendNZ sent an Official Information Act request last month asking the government to clarify a new euthanasia…


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds forward Thursday, placing the iconic indicator at two minutes to midnight. First introduced in 1947, the clock, intended to portray the current threat of global catastrophe, is now as close as it has ever been to the so-called hour of the apocalypse in…