A.I. The facts of today.

A disruptive force known as the fourth industrial revolution is already underway. Known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIot), the digital  enterprise or simply “smart manufacturing,” it’s a phenomenon that’s creating a host of opportunities for manufacturers around the world.

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Toyota Motor North America has already achieved significant maintenance savings from a smart-
manufacturing program that it implemented at its North American plants. The company developed
a system using smart technologies to capture data in real time, conduct automated analysis of the
information and create visualizations for team members, including information displayed on mobile
devices. Toyota Motor North America has slashed 40,000 minutes in downtime at one plant for a
total cost savings of $6 million

Read the white paper here.

Saving money is one of the best reasons to kick human beings out of production markets & to switch to automation.


Referred to sometimes as the “augmented operator,” mobility tools enable operator autonomy and
faster decision-making. Tasks that previously required two operators can instead be accomplished
with a single worker. Sensors affixed to equipment or materials can feed critical information, such as
energy usage, machine speed, maintenance or inventory, to employees’ mobile devices. Previously,
such tasks may have required a second operator to inspect equipment and log data.
In fact, the primary benefits from IIoT technologies are productivity improvements, McKinsey & Co.
Several manufacturers are experiencing measurable productivity spikes related to IIoT
Stanley Black & Decker’s DeWalt Power Tools plant in Reynosa, Mexico, for example, has
implemented a system of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags working in sync with routers to
form a real-time location system. The tags provide real-time location and line status to workers, shift
supervisors and plant managers, helping them spot problems faster.5
The workers can signal an
issue by pressing a button on the line, which sends data to a software system. The software system
generates messages with the location of the issue and suggestions on how to correct the problem.
The system helped the plant improve line efficiency by 96%, increase throughput by 10% and
reduce material inventory carrying costs by 10%.

let’s not forget about driverless cars.

There is a race to put driverless cars on the road, through deployed smart sensors on roadways the cars will be able to send and share information with the vehicles around it. Sounds great right? That’s just less control humans will have of our everyday life.

G.M has the goal of 2019 to invade San Francisco.

General Motors President Dan Ammann made a statement.


“If we continue on our current rate of change, we will be ready to deploy this technology in large scale in the most complex environments in 2019,” Ammann said at a press and investor event in San FranciscoRead more…….

GM isn’t the only player in the game. Ford has plans to produce road-ready cars — without steering wheels or pedals — by 2021. Perhaps GM’s stiffest competition comes from Waymo, which is owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet. Last week, Waymo announced that it had accumulated 4 million self-driving miles on the road.


Sweden startup Epicenter offered employees the opportunity to have a microchip implanted for access to services across the building.

AI nano-machines could bring huge medical benefits such as repairing damage to cells, muscles and bones.

This could mean we can embed ourselves into our surroundings and ‘control our environment with thought and gesture alone’.

‘Political Avatars’ could search through vast quantities of governmental data and tell people how they should vote.

John McNamara from IBM Hursley Innovation Centre claimed  technology that allows our bodies to join with machines will mean we can ‘enhance human cognitive capability directly, potentially offering greatly improved mental, as well as being able to utilize vast quantities of computing power to augment our own thought processes

Which means we will be augmented bio-machines operating on the smart grid with a cloud based operating system. This means we will be hackable, traced, watched, and controlled.

We could be programmed, false memories could be uploaded. Memories could be extracted and used in judicial proceedings. Our near future will be completely automated.

I was watching the circle with Emma Watson and she said privacy and secrets are just another way of lying, and we can not have liers amongst us.

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