Physicists Detect Gravitational Waves

Gravitational waves — ‘ripples’ in space-time produced by some of the most violent events in the cosmos — were predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916, when he showed that accelerating massive objects would shake space-time so much that waves of distorted space would radiate from the source. These ripples travel at the speed of light…

December 2015 Radioactivity +50% 1600 miles of the coast of San Fransico 264 gallons of radiation per sq cubic meter. Fukashima at fault

December 3, 2015 Perhaps the biggest news of 2015 is that we have begun seeing more sites, especially offshore where we have expanded our sampling, with contamination directly linked to Fukushima. These data are important for two reasons: First, they indicate that, despite the presence of these radioactive isotopes, the levels of contamination remain well…

Chinese scientists create functional sperm from stem cells in lab

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) — Scientists from China said Thursday they have finally succeeded in creating functioning sperm from mouse embryonic stem cells in the laboratory, a major scientific development that could some day lead to a treatment for male infertility in humans. The researchers, who described their groundbreaking technique in the U.S. journal Cell…

Ukraine turmoil triggered by US provocations

According to the latest opinion poll, Russians’ attitude towards Ukraine has worsened and the majority sees the events in that country as “anarchy and banditry” caused by the policies of the Kiev authorities and provoked from Washington. Russian state-owned public opinion center VTSIOM reported on Friday that the attitude of ordinary Russians towards Ukraine in…

Get Ready Europe for a nasty event. 1,000 participate in Europe’s biggest emergency response drill

Derailed trains, screaming passengers and a collapsed building – all elaborate props in Europe’s largest emergency simulation exercise held in Kent on Monday. The staged scenario wascarried out to prepare Britain’s emergency services for a potential large-scale operation. The £800,000, four-day Exercise Unified Response was coordinated by the London Fire Brigade and funded by the…